Murphy: Both presidential candidates are missing the mark on EVs
Check out Murphy’s op-ed in The Detroit News. It’s behind a paywall, but it’s worth it!
Mike lays out why we launched the American EV Jobs Alliance, and how the Alliance’s work will help ensure voters think of EVs as job creators. Because they are. Here’s a preview:
“The true EV issue has little to do with climate dogma; it’s about manufacturing jobs. I grew up in Detroit and have been the chief strategist for three successful Michigan gubernatorial races. The recipe to win Michigan is to win the battle to be the strongest candidate for good-paying U.S. manufacturing jobs.”…..
“That’s why I started the American EV Jobs Alliance. We’re a non-partisan group promoting EVs as good for American workers and consumers. Last week, we launched a media campaign in Michigan to tell the story of this massive new investment and the jobs it is creating.” ……
“EV’s are the future, and those new jobs should be in America, and if not, those jobs will go to China. This is not an abstract issue for Michigan voters. It’s real life. And real-life issues are always where swing voters make their ballot decision in the end.”
If you’re interested in hearing more from Mike, also be sure to check out the Mike on Automotive News Daily Drive this week! It’s a great listen.